Guess I’ll have to be keeping up with “the internet”. changed their page today and that stopped the widget from loading the image of the current rainfall correctly.
Furthermore I thought that I had put saving and retrieving of preferences for size and source in the last release. It however happened to be only in my own development version.
Nevertheless, it all works now, including the preferences, please don’t hate me for updating it so quickly (blame!) and stay dry!
Is het mogelijk om ook de verwachting voor de komende 2 uur van buienradar aan de widget toe te voegen?
It seems that it stopped working. At least on my system. I have had my macbook in and out of sleepmode for around two days. It still shows the 12u35 image of yesterday. this is when I did a 'forceful' update of the image by going first to the weeronline image and then back to the buienradar image. Strange stuff.. Doesn't seem to work great. Do you have the sourcecode to take a look at?!
Is there a wordpress widget that would allow me to display my album in the sidebar/with the sidebar widgets/plug ins?